Should We Eat Eggs With Blood Spots?

Have you ever cracked open an egg and discovered a small red blood spot inside? If so, what was your immediate reaction? Did you throw the egg away, unsure of its safety, or did you simply continue cooking as if nothing happened?

Many people hesitate when they see blood spots in eggs, wondering if they are safe to eat. There’s a lot of confusion surrounding this topic, so let’s break it down. We’ll explain why these spots appear, what they mean, and whether or not you should still consume the egg.

Are Eggs With Blood Spots Safe to Eat?

If your main concern is whether an egg with a blood spot is safe to eat, the simple answer is yes—as long as it is properly cooked. These tiny spots are harmless and will not cause any illness. If you’re comfortable with it, you can cook and eat the egg just like any other. However, if you find the spot unappetizing, you can remove it using the tip of a knife or a spoon before cooking.

Why Do Blood Spots Appear in Eggs?

Blood spots occur naturally during egg formation. They happen when a small blood vessel in the hen’s ovary or oviduct bursts as the egg is being developed. This does not indicate that the egg is fertilized or that there is anything wrong with the hen—it’s simply a minor and harmless irregularity.

Egg producers and quality control teams work hard to minimize the number of eggs with blood spots that reach store shelves. Candling, a process where eggs are examined under bright light, helps detect and remove affected eggs. However, some blood-spotted eggs still make it through, especially because the spots can be difficult to see in brown eggs, which have darker shells.

What About Other Discolorations in Eggs?

While blood spots are harmless, other unusual colors in an egg may be a cause for concern. For example, small brown meat spots sometimes appear in egg whites. These are tiny bits of reproductive tissue that get picked up as the egg moves through the hen’s oviduct. Like blood spots, they are safe to eat, though some people prefer to remove them.

However, if you crack open an egg and notice that the egg white has a pink, red, or green tint, this is a sign of bacterial contamination. In this case, the egg should be discarded immediately, as consuming it could lead to illness.

Should You Throw Away an Egg With a Blood Spot?

Since blood spots do not indicate spoilage or health risks, there is no need to throw the egg away. Many people simply mix the blood spot into their cooking and move on. Others prefer to remove the spot before preparing their food, which is also completely fine. The important thing is to ensure the egg is fully cooked to eliminate any potential bacteria that may be present.

How Can You Reduce the Chances of Finding Blood Spots in Eggs?

If you frequently encounter eggs with blood spots and would rather avoid them, consider buying eggs from brands that use advanced candling technology. Organic and free-range eggs tend to have a slightly higher likelihood of containing blood spots because they undergo less intensive screening compared to factory-farmed eggs.

If you raise your own chickens, keep in mind that certain factors can increase the occurrence of blood spots. Older hens, as well as those experiencing stress or dietary imbalances, may produce more eggs with blood spots. Ensuring your hens have a well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can help minimize these occurrences.

The Bottom Line

Blood spots in eggs are harmless and perfectly safe to eat as long as they are cooked properly. While they may look unappealing, they do not affect the taste, texture, or nutritional value of the egg. If you come across one, you can either cook the egg as usual or remove the spot before cooking. However, if the egg white is pink, red, or green, discard the egg immediately, as this indicates bacterial contamination.

So, the next time you crack open an egg and find a blood spot, don’t panic! Now that you understand why it happens and that it’s safe to eat, you can confidently decide how to handle it.


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